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Myanmar 2019 – Week 5


Another great week! 

Sam and Caroline continued to work with and teach the physiotherapists, both in small bedside sessions and in a whole group. Along with audit data collection for the week, teachings included basic auscultation techniques and how to use reflection effectively in practice. They felt this received a mixed reception but remain optimistic that these skills will stick.

Robyn experienced some more of nursing life in the neuro intensive care unit. They have a lot of different and innovative ways of getting things done, and it works!  For instance, medications are daily distributed into patient specific dispensers using a pair of scissors as pill splitters, and irrigation for performing oral care is done with a small plastic teapot.

Robyn got to participate in one of the weekly nursing activities of swab sorting.  A pile of gauze squares have to be carefully folded into stacks, and then bundles of three are sewn together to be used later as surgical swabs or in dressing changes. It’s a bonding activity, reminiscent of bandage rolling back in the early war days.

While the family early warning score is still waiting for full approval to get underway, Robyn has been working on a teaching presentation for next week and creating a staff survey which considers the reorganization of the charting system. There’s always a project to work on!

The weekend was also exciting as we were all invited to the local wedding of one of the hospital physiotherapists.  We dressed in the traditional style (with significant help from our friends) and got to watch an amazing ceremony complete with musicians and traditional matrimonial rituals.

How to tie a longyi, 101.
Our traditional wedding finery!

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