Cambridge Global Health Partnerships Logo

Fundraising promise

Our fundraising promise

From improving the day-to-day comforts of patients and families, to funding ground-breaking research and innovation, your support makes everything possible. In return, we make this fundraising promise to you.

We promise to

  • Make sure our fundraising follows good practice, is ethical and legal
  • Always comply with the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Practice
  • Keep your contact details safe and never sell or swap them
  • Contact you in the way you have agreed and send you invitations and information that we think will be of interest
  • Listen if you have a concern or complaint and respond fully, learning from any misunderstandings or mistakes to ensure they don’t happen again
  • Keep you up to date with how support like yours improves patient care
  • Make our annual review and accounts clear and easy to understand.

You can expect

  • Support from us with your fundraising activities
  • Never to be under pressure to fundraise or donate more than you want
  • That if you tell us something isn’t right, we will put it right if we can
  • That we will always be grateful for your support
  • To manage the way we communicate with you, whether by post, email, phone or SMS.