Cambridge Global Health Partnerships Logo

Get involved

There are many ways to support CGHP and contribute to improving healthcare for all.

We support clinical and non-clinical healthcare workers of all levels and disciplines to contribute their time, skills and expertise to health partnerships and broader global health projects, often on a voluntary basis.

Whatever your level, role, specialism or background, opportunities for getting involved with CGHP are flexible: you can participate locally or internationally, in-person or remotely, and over a short period of time (e.g., 1 week) or longer (e.g., 3+ months).​

There are opportunities to get involved with CGHP as a member, supporter or donor. Our members include anybody who has a signed agreement with CGHP to contribute their time, skills and expertise to a named CGHP-supported project or health partnership, or to a specific global health opportunity with CGHP’s support.

Individuals and organisations who are not CGHP members also play a vital role in helping to facilitate our work either as CGHP supporters, by providing their time, expertise or financial support, or as CGHP donors by providing funding.​

We help ensure that your contributions are safe, effective and ethical – for you, our partners and their patients. You’ll receive advice, guidance and training, alongside practical support (e.g., with arranging leave). CGHP will also help with funding applications for partnership activities, projects and exchange visits. ​

Getting involved with CGHP offers a fantastic opportunity to develop your clinical, leadership and/or management skills, while working collaboratively with other healthcare workers across the globe. You’ll gain access to unique knowledge and insights through CGHP and our trusted network of worldwide partners which you may not otherwise encounter in your role.

As an individual you could:

  • Become a CGHP member and join a health partnership team in one of our established programmes.
  • Use a CGHP Grant to fund a global health project you’ve researched or developed yourself.
  • Apply for a student bursary to carry out your elective placement in a health partnership with a low- or middle- income- country.
  • Volunteer in the CGHP office-based team to help us to administer and deliver our core work.
  • Donate, at any level, to help us continue and grow our services.

As an organisation you could:

  • [UK based] Facilitate volunteer healthcare placements in our highly successful programmes and actively support staff to engage with our activities.
  • [International] Work with us to create or further develop a programme to improve the delivery of quality healthcare.

Contact us for advice and guidance on participating in global healthcare projects or to discuss partnership opportunities.

Make a donation

I would strongly recommend global health work to my peers. It provides a unique insight into different healthcare systems and highlights the importance of adaptability in addressing local needs.

Alice Holmes, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH)