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The latest news stories, announcements and opportunities from CGHP.

Together for Northwest Syria Medical Aid

20 March 2023

Cambridge Global Health Partnerships (CGHP) and the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) are working with Dr Tirej Brimo, an Emergency Medicine doctor at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, to help hospitals in northwest Syria struggling in the ongoing crisis through a fundraising campaign.

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Myanmar Clinical Skills Videos

28 February 2023

Members of the Burmese diaspora came together at CUH to film more clinical skills videos for junior doctors, medical students and healthcare volunteers in Myanmar. The video tutorial team completed 14 skills videos. These will be made available on the Myanmar Clinical Guidance website soon. So far, we have filmed 80 videos which have been viewed more than 32,000 times.

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Obstetrics & Gynaecology Partnership Visit

18 February 2023

The aim of this project is to publish a textbook that provides information that is appropriate for the context in which it is being used (Africa) and written by authors who work in Africa; a first of its known kind. The textbook will be published online open access by Cambridge University Press.

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Paediatric Cancer Partnership Visit

18 February 2023

A team from Cambridge visited partners at the Uganda Cancer Institute. Over the last two years the team have worked to implement emergency chemotherapy protocols, so the visit was an opportunity to understand the implementation of the protocols , and to agree plans for training and collaboration going forward.

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Critical Care Team visit

11 February 2023

A team of three nurses from CUH Critical Care Unit visited Kampala within the SCALE Critical Care partnership. The team delivered a two-day course in the basics of critical care to two cohorts of nurses, training 72 nurses in total over the week. Nurses from the main three critical care units in Kampala, attended. The training was designed with the nursing team on both sides of the partnership and comprised bed-side teaching on the wards and interactive teaching sessions.

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FCDO visit to Cambridge Global Health Partnerships

1 February 2023

We were delighted to host a meeting in Cambridge in February with the FCDO-Burma team led by the Senior Health Advisor We presented and discussed our work to support healthcare workers in Myanmar . A CGHP committee member and member of the diaspora and Royal College of GPs also joined the meeting to exchange information. It was a fruitful meeting, and a great opportunity to understand the future direction and plans for FCDO’s health programme in Myanmar.

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