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The latest news stories, announcements and opportunities from CGHP.

Nursing Partnership Visit to Sierra Leone

8 January 2023

In January a nursing team from the Bo Stroke Partnership had their first visit to Sierra Leone. Diana Day and Magda Cerei, both nurses from Cambridge travelled to meet the wider partnership team and with Patrick, former Cambridge University Hospital (CUH) Stroke Nurse, who set up the partnership. Amongst other meetings the team met with the Nursing Now Challenge Fellows at Bo Hospital; Kings Sierra Leone Partnerships ; and Esther Jabbie, matron of Bo Government District Hospital (pictured).

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Season’s Greetings from CGHP!

20 December 2022

As we complete another busy and successful year at CGHP, we are very grateful to our members, partners and donors who make our work possible. Thank you for partnering with us on our mission to inspire people to improve healthcare globally.

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East of England Global Health Conference

23 November 2022

It was wonderful to come together in person in Cambridge with people from across the East of England and via a hybrid format with delegates and partners from across the world. We were delighted to welcome some twenty presenters and over 100 delegates to discuss the theme of Global Health – Rising to the Challenges. Lucy Chappell and Mike Batley from NIHR and Sridhar Venkatapuram from Kings Global Health Institute gave keynote addresses, and our conversations covered a huge breadth of challenges from antimicrobial resistance to hybrid health partnerships to decolonising global health.

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Team Away Day

27 July 2022

In July we had a Team Away day. We explored our different ways of working, and how we contribute to the team before discussing our fundraising strategy. This was a particularly enjoyable day, and we all felt refreshed and motivated back in the office following this.

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CGHP Team Visit to Kampala

2 July 2022

In July, clinicians from Cambridge were able to visit partners in Uganda for the first time since the pandemic! Fiona accompanied two partnership teams visiting Uganda – the Kampala Cambridge Antimicrobial Stewardship team and the SCALE (Strengthening Health Workforce Capacity through Global Learning) Critical Care team. Four East of England Global Health Fellows joined the visits alongside other staff, from CUH. Follow us on Instagram to read more about these visits.

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New Staff Members

1 July 2022

We’ve recently welcomed Hannah Wilson as our new Fundraising and Communications Lead! Hannah joins us from our linked charity Addenbrookes Charitable trust. Hannah looks forward to learning more about our health partnerships, meeting the wonderful people that generously support our work, and providing more opportunities for people to get involved.

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