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News Categories: Critical Care

Critical Care Nursing team recognised with CGHP award for International Day of the Nurse

16 May 2024

A team of Cambridge University Hospitals Trust (CUH) critical care nurses, led by Education Lead Lisa Enoch, are the recipients of a CGHP sponsored award in recognition of International Day of the Nurse 2024. The award acknowledges their ongoing work with partners in Uganda, to develop and share best practice in critical care in both the UK and Uganda.

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Working internationally to improve care of critically ill patients

31 October 2023

A team of Cambridge University Hospitals Trust critical care doctors and nurses are visiting Kampala, Uganda this month, as part of the SCALE Critical Care partnership. Over the course of a week, they'll be co-training with Ugandan faculty around 100 ICU staff from across Kampala and other cities in Uganda.

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Critical Care Team visit

11 February 2023

A team of three nurses from CUH Critical Care Unit visited Kampala within the SCALE Critical Care partnership. The team delivered a two-day course in the basics of critical care to two cohorts of nurses, training 72 nurses in total over the week. Nurses from the main three critical care units in Kampala, attended. The training was designed with the nursing team on both sides of the partnership and comprised bed-side teaching on the wards and interactive teaching sessions.

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CGHP Team Visit to Kampala

2 July 2022

In July, clinicians from Cambridge were able to visit partners in Uganda for the first time since the pandemic! Fiona accompanied two partnership teams visiting Uganda – the Kampala Cambridge Antimicrobial Stewardship team and the SCALE (Strengthening Health Workforce Capacity through Global Learning) Critical Care team. Four East of England Global Health Fellows joined the visits alongside other staff, from CUH. Follow us on Instagram to read more about these visits.

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High-Level Ugandan Delegation Visit CUH

28 April 2022

On 28th April, we were delighted to host Ugandan Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Health, Dr Diana Atwine, and members of the Uganda UK Health Alliance at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. We had great discussions on #healthpartnerships, a tour of CUH and virtually joined the SCALE Critical Care grand round!

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