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News Categories: Myanmar

Myanmar Clinical Skills Videos

28 February 2023

Members of the Burmese diaspora came together at CUH to film more clinical skills videos for junior doctors, medical students and healthcare volunteers in Myanmar. The video tutorial team completed 14 skills videos. These will be made available on the Myanmar Clinical Guidance website soon. So far, we have filmed 80 videos which have been viewed more than 32,000 times.

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FCDO visit to Cambridge Global Health Partnerships

1 February 2023

We were delighted to host a meeting in Cambridge in February with the FCDO-Burma team led by the Senior Health Advisor We presented and discussed our work to support healthcare workers in Myanmar . A CGHP committee member and member of the diaspora and Royal College of GPs also joined the meeting to exchange information. It was a fruitful meeting, and a great opportunity to understand the future direction and plans for FCDO’s health programme in Myanmar.

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“My experience to date has taught me that partnership is at the heart of global health”

16 September 2021

Earlier this week, CGHP committee member and partner in the Cambridge Yangon Trauma Intervention Partnership, Dr Tom Bashford, published a short article for the Coalition for Global Prosperity. The piece titled, The Future of Aid: Development in the 2020s, offers an insightful and thought provoking read for those looking to engage in global health opportunities. Grab a coffee and have a read!

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Creating videos for emergency care in Myanmar

16 August 2021

Last week doctors and nurses from the East of England region, Wales and the Lake District came together to create video tutorials using the simulation facilities at Cambridge University Hospitals. Many were members of the Burmese diaspora, who are healthcare workers in the NHS.

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CGHP stands in solidarity with partners in Myanmar

25 February 2021

Click the link to view our full statement.

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CGHP welcomes new team member, Thet

23 November 2020

Thet joins the team as Programme Support for Myanmar. Thet started as an in-office volunteer with CGHP in 2019. Between 2006-2019, he worked for local and international non-governmental organisations and development agencies focussing on health and local governance sector, in Myanmar. He graduated from the Institute of Medicine (1) Myanmar and holds a masters degree in Public Policy from Murdoch University.

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Myanmar partnership hosts first virtual training session

29 June 2020

A group of critical care and microbiology consultants from Cambridge University Hospitals hosted a virtual training session for partners in Myanmar. The session, which was led by UK partnership lead, Dr Rowan Burnstein, was titled COVID-19 – Sharing and Learning with a Focus on Critical Care.

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