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We welcome new Chair of Committee, Catherine Arnold OBE

After 6 successful years as Chair of Committee, David Wherrett, Director of Workforce at Cambridge University Hospitals, has stepped down. We thank David for his wonderful chairmanship and we now welcome new CGHP Chair, Catherine Arnold OBE.

Catherine is Master of St Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge. Prior to taking up the role in October 2019, she had a distinguished diplomatic career in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. As the UK’s Ambassador to Mongolia until February 2018, Catherine championed stronger economic, political, development and educational links with the UK including work on a range of public health issues. Catherine was awarded an OBE for services to British foreign policy in the 2019 New Year Honours.

Catherine’s FCO career also saw her serve in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Oman. She has led on a range of foreign policy issues including human rights, the environment and public affairs, most recently leading the successful UK campaign to secure the 2019 nomination to host the COP26 climate conference. Prior to joining the FCO, Catherine was a journalist and travel writer in the Middle East. Her career started with leading global management consulting firm, Oliver Wyman.

On being appointed as Chair of the Cambridge Global Health Partnerships Catherine said:

“I am honoured to be appointed to this role. Global health is more than a strap line; health affects every part of life. Raising levels of public and individual health and wellness around the world can transform lives, and make us all more secure.

I believe deeply in partnership models, the dialogue, understanding and humility required to make them work. That can be challenging, it requires commitment from all sides, but when everyone owns the change they seek to make it can be transformative.

Cambridge has an extraordinary role to play in shaping the future health of humanity, in partnership with people across globe. With my fellow committee members and charity trustees, the Director and our many partners, members (volunteers) and supporters, I am excited to help shape this vision – and thank David Wherrett for giving me such a hard act to follow.”

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