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Our values

Our work is guided by three fundamental values: that health partnership activity should be safe, effective and ethical.

Our work is guided by three fundamental values:


Support safe volunteering and, through our programme activities, support the development of safe healthcare practice.


Make effective use of the money contributed by our donors and the time and expertise given by our volunteers, to enable change in people, practices and institutions, building capacity and achieving sustainable impact.


Listen to our partners, volunteers and stakeholders and plan, implement and learn together, ensuring that our activities are ethical, consistent with our partners’ local and national plans, and complement activities of other development partners.

We have helped individuals and teams to deliver the very highest standards of safe, effective and ethical volunteering and share their expertise around the world, bringing back new ideas that enrich and enhance our own practice.

Dame Mary Archer President, Cambridge Global Health Partnerships

Our Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) statement

Cambridge Global Health Partnerships’ (CGHP) mission is to work in partnership to inspire and enable people to improve healthcare globally.

We recognise that gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) are central to safe, ethical and effective global health partnerships. We are committed to eliminating discrimination and fostering an inclusive environment within the organisation and our partnerships.

This statement affirms our commitment to GESI, and that this is reflected in all our policies, procedures, and everyday practices.

Gender Equality – Gender equality ensures that women, men and people of other genders have equal rights, opportunities, and respect. Gender equality is the end goal of gender equity.

Social Inclusion – Social inclusion includes the inclusion of women and girls as well as other vulnerable groups who are at risk of exclusion within a particular context. Such groups may include: women and girls, adolescents and young people, the elderly, people living with disabilities, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, people living with a stigmatising illness, internally displaced people, migrant populations, nomadic communities, members of minority clans or sub-clans, people living in urban settlements or geographically inaccessible districts, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or questioning), and intersex community, groups with less education, and the very poor.

Source of definitions: 2021, The Tropical Health and Education Trust. ‘Toolkit: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Toolkit for Health Partnerships’ available at: THET-GESI-toolkit.